The CEO of Vanguards Academy Odosengolu, Ogun State, Dr. Zafaran Adeniyi has narrated how the Muslims Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN) impacted positively to the lives of Muslims in Nigeria.
He stated this while delivering his keynote speech at the electoral conference of MSSNLAGOS which was held at J.F. Ade Ajayi Hall, University of Lagos on Sunday.
While addressing the congregation, he reminded them of how MSSN has evolved from being a secondary school affair with little guidance of the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet to an organisation that has touched many facets of the Muslim life in Nigeria with MSSN Lagos being at the forefront.
He said, “MSSN has evolved from sing-sang to recitation of adhkar”
Speaking further on his keynote speech, Dr. Zafaran Adeniyi mentioned that “The Renaissance is an English word that means a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries”
Dr. Zafaran continued that the golden age of Islam is that same Middle ages (between 8th and 13th century) that the Europeans considered “a dark page in their history”. He said “thus, this is a disservice to our religion”