Back in school, I never quite got the hang of bookkeeping. Balancing accounts felt like a riddle I couldn’t solve, I was constantly annoyed by having to prepare cash books and determine net loss or gain of a company I didn’t even know about just so I could get some marks. I bombed the first exam big time, I think it was an E, exactly 40%. I used to blame our principal, Misty Gee, thinking he was just being unfair, but really, it was just tough stuff.
However, over time, I realized some of those accounting lessons were actually pretty handy. They make sense to me more and more each passing day and I wish I had been more serious. Daddy Awo drilled into us the importance of Transparency, Accountability, and… oh, I forget the last one! But I still remember the acronym was TAP.
They were to be the qualities of a good bookkeeper he was moulding us into then. Just tell daddy to forgive me for forgetting P whenever he reads this 😂 Now, let’s talk about “drawings.” Think of them as the termites of business, nibbling away at your success and leaving an irreversible effect on you for a lasting period of time if not forever.
Daddy used to tell us about business owners who gave away goods without thinking about getting paid in return, like one poultry farmer in a book I read who kept giving away eggs and even eating them himself. It’s like eating up your own life! You shouldn’t do giveaways if your business cannot born babies.
So, here’s the kicker: What if everything we do is like a business? Are we protecting our initial investment? What “drawings” have we made that are slowly eating away at our success? Starting something new is exciting, but along the way, we often get tired and start drawing out energy, attention, and more.
It’s easy to diverge off course, but we need to be mindful of what we’re drawing from and how it affects our journey. Let’s draw those “drawings” back in and put it in mind that they can kill our dreams and turn something great into nothing.
So, ask yourself: What have you let slip from your journey? Are you sticking to your plans? And is it still working out? Let’s get back on track and renew the old things. Remember! Drawings kills business bit by bit.
Therefore don’t compromise that one thing that seems so small! If you can give it your all, it will most likely bring you the all (All you have ever wanted).
My name is Taofeeqah and my pen is my PRIDE 📝