In our ever-evolving world, where information flows ceaselessly through the channels of social media, it’s crucial to address the issue of “man-made rules” that often permeate our digital landscape. As a young lady striving for personal growth and development, it’s disheartening to encounter arbitrary societal norms imposed by anonymous voices.
For instance, phrases like “At age 25, a lady should no longer reside with her parents” or “By age 25, a man should be fully responsible and independent” seem to dominate online discussions.
But who defines these rules? Who issued these mandates? In a country where economic challenges persist, where educational pursuits are marred by recurring strikes, and where the journey to personal success is riddled with obstacles, such rules can be burdensome and demoralizing.
Don’t you realise everyone wants to make it, be that independent and rich?
That 25 and 30-year-old man is trying his best, all he can think of is how to make it, be responsible for a family he hasn’t started, for his siblings and parents. All you can see is an irresponsible man cos he is not spending and giving out his money like you want.
It’s essential to recognize the detrimental impact of these imposed standards on mental health. Many individuals experience undue stress and feelings of inadequacy when trying to measure up to these artificial benchmarks. Some even tragically lose their lives in pursuit of external validation.
As Nigerians, we must strive for greater realism in our expressions and statements. What may seem like harmless imagination to one person can be a significant source of distress to another. We can do better, to think critically before sharing our thoughts.
Before posting anything online, let’s pause and reflect: What is the purpose behind this message? Is it rooted in reality? What potential impact will it have on those who read it? Most importantly, will it contribute positively to their lives or simply add to the prevailing negativity?
Life is already a challenging journey, and the proliferation of negative influences on social media only makes it tougher. It’s time for us to take individual responsibility in setting a more positive and realistic tone. Let this be a reminder that none of us are perfect, but every day presents an opportunity to grow and improve.
Together, we can foster a digital environment that promotes empathy, understanding, and support, acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual’s path and the challenges they face. Let’s make a collective effort to uplift one another and build a more compassionate online community.
In the end, it’s our shared humanity that matters most.