I’m a soul, born into a man’s world of uncertainty.
The world full of rigorous ideas and thoughts.
Born out of man’s reflection and thinking.
Filtered by it subscriber and critics.
I’m a soul turn man with much expectation.
Endowed with pain, lost and gain.
Yet striving for glory, achievement and fame.
Which are inherent in me.
I’m a soul born out of man’s procreation.
Bound by mistakes and sin,
Which are inherent nature of man.
Cleansed by his creator out of mercy.
I’m a soul turn mate,
I’m not perfect nor saint.
I sin and erred my creator.
Which are indeed my nature as man.
Yet, I seek His unending mercy and forgiveness.
I’m a soul turn man,
I erred, sin and wrong my soulmates.
Yet, I care, forgive and seek his forgiveness.
And this is inherent nature of my species.
Imperfection is our species.
Forgiveness should be endowed in us.
No right of you to criticize me,
Because you’re also part of my kind.
Filled with imperfection and mistakes.
Adesunwon Babatunde Habideen